External Grants/Contracts Received
Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance—GaCTSA (2017-2022). Received a total of $51,230,315 through a partnership among Emory University, the University of Georgia, Georgia Institute of Technology, Morehouse School of Medicine, VA Medical Center of Atlanta, and Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta. Workforce Development Section Project by McCauley, L. (Emory) & Choi. I. (UGA). (2017– 2022). Development and validation of a Competency-based Career Coaching System (C3S) for clinical and translational research workforce development. (Received a total of $2,537,473 for this particular project; $1,479,218 for UGA Research Team; NIH/NCATS UL1TR002378).
Coffield, J., Biship, M. L, Carmichale, K. P. Choi, I., Welch-Devine, M. (2015-2018). NRT-IGE: From engagement to action: 21st century STEM scholars and land grant opportunities. Received $495,790 from National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) Program (NSF/DGE 1545341).
Choi, I. (2015-2016). Enhancing the cycle of clinical clerkship practice, faculty feedback, and students’ reflection through a clerkship e-portfolio system in a medical school. Received $25,149 from NSD Co. Ltd, Korea.
Murray, D., Shannon, G., Birch, L., Cotwright, C., Lee, J., Choi, I., Phua, J. (2014-2015). Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-ED) FY15. Received $2,800,000 from Georgia State Department of Human Services.
Choi, I., Hodge, E., Hill, R., Mativo, J., Kopcha, T. (2014-2015). Designing an Innovative STEM-Integrated Robotics Curriculum for 3-5 Graders. Received $153,909 from Roborobo Co., Ltd., Korea.
Li, K., Perdisci, R., & Choi, I. (2013 – 2016). Enhancing and broadening computer security education with stepwise and reusable problem-solving challenges. Received $ 314,854 from National Science Foundation (Federal Cyber Service: Scholarship for Service, DGE EDU 1318881).
Diessler, C., Kopcha, C., & Choi, I. (2013 – 2014). Inquiry in action: An implementation and evaluation study of the impact of the Natural Inquirer on teaching and learning. Received $30,000 from The United State Department of Agriculture Forest Service (Research Contract).
Choi, I. (2013-2015). An evaluation study of Korean forest education for children and adolescents. Received $24,790 from Green Ranger Organization (Research Contract).
Choi, I., Kellam, N., & Gattie, D. (2009-2011). Case-based e-learning for solving real-world engineering design problems: Nurturing epistemic growth for second year college students. Received $150,000 from National Science Foundation (Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement-CCLI, 08-546).
Choi, I. (2003-2005). Online case-based learning: Cognitive benefits of online cases in learning and problem solving—Anesthesiology. Received $45,772 from Educate Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea to the University of Georgia.
Internal Grants at UGA
Kopcha, T.J., Mativo, J., Choi, I. (2015) COE Maymester Research Support Program ($2500). College of Education, The University of Georgia. (25%)
Choi, I. (2013). Summer 2013 Innovative Instruction Faculty Grant ($5,000). The Office of the Vice President for Instruction. The University of Georgia.
Creevy, K. E., Schmiedt, C., Cornell, K. K., Radlinsky, M. G., & Choi, I. (2013-2014). Evaluating a case-based e-learning module for enhancing decision-making in small animal soft tissue surgery. Received $9,405 from The University of Georgia Research Foundation (Faculty Research Seed Grants Program).
Choi, I. (2012, Summer). The role of professionalism in solving real-world problems: A conceptual framework. 2012 COE Summer Research Grant Program. The University of Georgia.
Schmiedt, C., & Choi, I. (2011-2013). Developing case-based learning modules for enhancing intra-operative decisions in small animal soft tissue surgery. Received $29,680 from the University of Georgia (Learning Technologies Grants Program).
Kellam, N., Choi, I., & Gattie, D. (2008-2010). Preparing engineering students to be global citizens with case-based e-learning technology. Received $30,000 from the University of Georgia (Learning Technologies Grants Program).
Choi, I. (2007). Integrating three types of knowledge to enhance real-world problem solving abilities in the college classroom. Received $9,868 from the College of Education at the University of Georgia (Early Career Faculty Grant Program).
Zhang, G., & Choi, I. (2006-2008). Training innovative engineers in Nanotechnology with multimedia case-based learning. Received $24,919 from the University of Georgia (Learning Technologies Grants Program).
Aron, D., & Choi, I. (2005-2007). Developing multimedia-based case training for small animal orthopedic surgery. Received $22,030 from the University of Georgia (Learning Technologies Grants Program).
Choi, I. (2006). A framework for integrating three types of knowledge to enhance real-world problem solving and its implications for designing technology-enhanced learning environments. Awarded $7,156 to the College of Education at the University of Georgia (Early Career Faculty Grant Program)—declined.
Lee, K., & Choi, I. (2004-2006). Developing and implementing Web-based case learning for early childhood teacher education. Received $24,918 from the University of Georgia (Learning Technologies Grants Program).
Choi, I. (1993). How teenagers are exposed to pornography and what are its negative effects (Korean). Received a research fellowship from Research Center of Korean Youth Culture, Seoul, Korea.